What does the “F” word mean to us?
Gender-based violence does not happen in a cultural vacuum. We believe our societal values, norms, structures, laws, policies and systems reflect deep cultural beliefs that certain groups of people are valued over other groups. Most predominantly, that men are valued over women. This has profoundly negative implications for all genders, not just those who identify as women.
Feminism as a concept has been much debated, and in some cases vilified in the media. The stereotypical portrayal of a feminist as a baby-eating, man-hating, witch-woman is surprise (!) not accurate. Feminists are people who believe in equality of all genders.
That being said, the overall movement of feminism means many different things to many different people. At WRRC, we strive to make our feminism completely inclusive and intersectional – recognizing the many ways that patriarchy influences our world.
For a quick explainer on feminism, and feminist definitions, check out Marina’s video.
For more learning and great reading, check out the Feminist Blogs We Love below.