Risk Assessment
When we first start working with you, it’s important to get a clear picture of your situation. You choose how much information you want to share. We use this information in planning for your safety, whether you decide to leave or stay in the relationship.
This begins with a conversation. There are several different topics that we ask about (completely in confidence) to determine the risk you are facing. This could include things like your partner’s history of violence towards people and animals, access to weapons, access to your workplace, personal information, or technology, and the dynamics of your relationship.
Safety Planning
We believe women are already skilled at managing their safety, and intuitively consider the safety of themselves and their children. Our team will work to affirm what you are doing, and offer additional suggestions and resources when appropriate. We call this safety planning. Safety plans are dynamic, fluid and unique to you. Sometimes they involve other community partners or gathering additional information if necessary. Ultimately, the decisions about who to involve are up to you. The safety plan is not necessarily about making you ‘feel safe’, but making sure that potential risks are understood and mitigated.
At WRRC, we believe you are capable of making the best decisions for yourself and your family. In every aspect of risk assessment and safety planning, and in your entire experience with WRRC, we support you in taking the lead in your own journey. We offer judgment free support and information at your request.
Domestic violence and gender-based violence can affect every aspect of your life. We help women during and after abusive relationships. We believe women heal through safety, connection and trust. Sometimes, telling your story is part of that process. We offer multiple opportunities for healing through counseling, group counseling, art therapy, gardening, education and more. If you want to explore any of these options further, please check out our news and events page, to see what programs are coming up. (LINK)
How Do I get Started?
Living with gender-based violence and abuse can be challenging. Our systems present many barriers for women trying to make change. Our team can help navigate these systems and barriers, walking alongside you as allies in the process. When you first come to WRRC, we’ll grab some coffee, and listen to whatever you feel like sharing. From there, you are in charge. We can support in different ways, from finding safe, affordable housing, to the health and legal system, or even rehoming pets, it’s our privilege to be able to provide support for you as you are embarking on a new journey.